The U.S. is 4.6% of the world population yet we consume 75% of the pharmaceuticals produced worldwide.
We use 95% of the world's supply of pain medication yet pain is not a disease, it’s a symptom of something else.
As the primary healthcare decision-makers in our homes, women decide how and what our families eat, our lifestyle, and our activity levels. From domestic engineers, to partners in law firms, to the teachers educating our kids, we decide where to seek medical attention, whether it’s drug or naturally directed. I educate women on how simple, yet impactful changes, can make all the difference in long-term health. How do I do this? By asking questions designed to provoke our thinking, open our minds, and empower us to make the changes that only women can make.
I am known for making information easily understood and simple to incorporate into daily life. My goal is to present the audience with choices; choices that can turn this system of sick care, into health care.
About Brenda
Brenda Bonilla Smith is a Licensed Acupuncturist, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, and Licensed Esthetician. She began her speaking career as an educator in the skincare industry in the 1990's working for national and international companies before she entered the natural health field. Brenda is a native New Yorker whose love for natural medicine comes from her roots in her Dominican heritage. When she was introduced to acupuncture, it was the seamless next step she was looking for. She received her Master’s Degree in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2000 and has been in private practice since then. She has spent most of her post-graduate education studying nutrition and the effects of physical and emotional stress on overall health. She believes the body is its own best healer and that diet, natural modalities, and lifestyle changes are the keys to correcting, and reversing our epidemic of preventable chronic diseases.
Brenda is a sought-after speaker and educator on Women’s Health, Stress Management, and Breast Health and she brings her 30+ years of clinical experience into focus with clarity and humor. She dressed as Cruella DeVille for a Disney-themed webinar (because she’s already rocking the salt and pepper hair) and removed and flung her bra across the stage at a breast health presentation! From participating in women's health conferences to presenting health and wellness talks for corporate organizations, Brenda customizes the experience that is most beneficial for her audiences.
Brenda has recently moved to Georgia from California and is dedicating most of her time to speaking and educating women on finding balance and improving their physical and mental health in these stressful times.

Brenda's Talks

The Pillars of Health: Finding Balance in your Body and Life
The Pillars are: Sleep, Exercise, Diet, Hormone Balance, and Journaling
This talk is about the interconnectedness of our bodies and how they function. What if instead of one more pill, we come to understand how to connect the dots so our bodies can function better?
The participants will leave with:
Knowing the importance of each pillar to overall health.
The understanding that each Pillar builds on the next to create a continuum.
A strategy and starting point to begin their personal healing journey.
The Hormone Cascade: The key to Health and Happiness.
Out of balance, the Hormone Cascade can lead to chronic, lifestyle diseases such as hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes, inability to lose weight, digestive issues, insomnia, fatigue, depression, anxiety, infertility, low libido, PMS, and menopausal syndrome. It's easy to trigger yet understanding its effects has the power to change a woman's life.
The participants will leave with:
A clear understanding of how the cascade works.
Knowing the impact emotional stress has on their bodies.
Tools to recalibrate it for optimum health and well-being.
Breast Health: Mammograms do not Prevent Breast Cancer
Mammograms are detection, not prevention. They are looking for something that is already there. Many women don't get that yet understanding the difference can save many women from the pain of getting a cancer diagnosis.
The fact is that only 5-7% of breast cancers are genetic. The other 95% are potentially preventable but we need to know how.
The participants will leave with:
The tools with which to be proactive, empowered participants in their breast health and true prevention.
A clear understanding of the differences among breast cancer detection options.
An understanding of the relevant facts, and statistics that can help inform their choices.
We have had Brenda speak several times to our employees and each time she brings valuable information to light for our folks. She is a wonderful presenter that connects with her audience with warmth and caring. She mixes in just the right amount of science for the average person to understand but does not overwhelm us with facts and figures. Instead, she offers practical strategies and approachable solutions to challenges that we all face as we try to better manage our health and well-being. When we have Brenda speak it’s always a full house because she is so popular and we have benefited greatly from her contributions!
Rebecca Eastman
Director of Human Resources
Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP
The San Gabriel Valley District of Women’s Clubs enjoyed our keynote speaker, Brenda Smith. She came prepared with a PowerPoint and extra handout literature. The 115 Clubwomen were able to follow along and understand the presentation. She touched on a very sensitive subject for so many but she handled it with grace. As the President of the District I received only good comments on Brenda’s talk.
Rita Aleman
President, San Gabriel Valley District of Women’s Clubs.
We invited Brenda to speak at our annual women's retreat for women with rare blood diseases. Then the COVID pandemic hit and we had to pivot to an online platform. We asked Brenda to change her topic to focus on how to strengthen the immune system. Without missing a beat, Brenda switched her topic around at the last minute and gave a riveting and impactful presentation. In post event evaluations, many women stated this was the best of all presentations given during our conference. She is encouraging and also funny and we asked her to return again this year! We are so thankful for Brenda for her wisdom and support!
Michelle Kim, Executive Director of Hemophilia Foundation of Southern California.